RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

O.A. Andreeva

List of publications

  1. Anisotropy of the surface stiffness of 4He crystals
    JETP Lett. 46,200 (1987)
    co-author K.O. Keshishev

  2. Anisotropy of growth coefficient and surface hardness of the 4He crystals
    JETP Lett. 49,759 (1989)
    co-authors: K.O. Keshishev, S.Yu. Osipyan

  3. Identification of the facets of 4He crystals
    JETP Lett. 52,164 (1990)
    co-author K.O. Keshishev
    Thermodynamics and kinetics of crystal 4He surface
    PhD  thesis. Kapitza  Institute (1990)
    Supervisor K.O. Keshishev
  1. Solid-superfluid 4He interface
    Physica Scripta T39, 352 (1991)
    co-author K.O. Keshishev

  2. Anisotropy of surface stiffness, growth-kinetics and roughening transition in 4He
    NATO Advanced Science Institute, Physics B257, 387 (1991)
    co-author K.O. Keshishev

  3. Growth kinetics of vicinal surfaces of 4He crystals
    Europhys. Lett. 19, 3316 (1992)
    co-authors: K.O. Keshishev, A.B. Kogan, A.N. Marchenkov

  4. Optical observation of 3He crystals down to 1 mK
    Physica B194, 961(1994)
    co-authors: R. Wagner, P.J. Ras, P. Remeijer, S.C. Steel, C.M. Vanwoarkens, G. Frossatti

  5. Observation of 3He Crystals Nucleation from the Superfluid Phases
    JLTP 101, 287 (1995)
    co-authors: Raymond Wagner, Staphen C. Steel, Alexei N. Marchenkov, Reyer Jochemsen, and Giorgio Frossati

  6. First Observation of (100) and (211) Facets on 3He Crystals
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 263 (1996)
    co-authors: Raymond Wagner, Stephen C. Steel, Reyer Jochemsen, and Giorgio Frossati

  7. Optical studies of 3He crystals in high magnetic fields
    Czech. J. Phys. 46 485 (1996)
    co-authors: A. Marchenkov, R. Wagner, S. Steel, R. Jochemsen, G. Frossati

  8. Charge mobility anisotropy in hcp 4He crystals
    JETP Lett. 65, 95 (1997)
    co-authors: K.O. Keshishev and D.I. Kholin

  9. Charge transport in solid 4He
    JLTP 110, 89 (1998)
    co-authors: K. Keshishev, D. Kholin, P. Kossyrev

  10. Cavitation in superfluid helium-4 at low temperature
    Eur. Phys. J. B2, 293 (1998)
    co-authors: H. Lambare, P. Roche, S. Balibar, H.J. Maris, C. Guthmann, K.O. Keshishev, E. Rolley

  11. Charge transport and vacancy energy spectrum in hcp 4He
    Physica B284, 343 (2000)
    co-authors: K.O. Keshishev, A.D. Savishchev

  12. Cryostat for optical observations below 1 mK and in strong magnetic fields
    JLTP 124, 497 (2001)
    co-authors: R. van Rooijen, A. Marchenkov, H. Akimoto, P. van de Haar, R. Jochemsen, G. Frossati