Sergei T. Boldarev
List of publications
Surface Tension of Dilute 3He-4He Solutions
JETP 29, 585 (1969)
co-author K.N. Zinov'eva
Measurement of Surface Tension on the Lamination Boundary of the Liquid Phase
in an 3He-4He Solutions by the Surface-Wave Method
JETP Lett. 17, 297 (1973)
co-author V.P. Peshkov
- Measurements of the surface tension in helium by means of surface waves
Physica 69, 141 (1973)
co-author V.P. Peshkov
- Study of surface tension of mixtures of 3He-4He at low temperature
PhD thesis, IPP (1975) AS USSR, supervisor Prof. V.P. Peshkov
- Semiconductor resistance thermometers for the interval 300-0,3K
IET 3, 845 (1979)
co-authors: K.N. Zinov'eva, L.I. Zarubin, I.Yu. Nemish, F.M. Vorobkalo
- Dilution refrigerator
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Magazine 12, 8 (1980)
co-authors: R.G. Amamchian, P.P. Kalitin, Yu.A. Miroslavskaya, E.B. Onosovskii,
V.G. Pron'ko
- Germanium RTDs for ultralow temperatures
IET 5, 192 (1982)
co-authors: K.N. Zinov'eva, V.B. Vainberg, F.M. Vorobkalo, L.I. Zarubin
- Dilution refrigerator with valveless adsorption circulation system of 3He
Preprint YerPhI 937(88)-86 , CRII Atominform , Yerevan (1986)
co-authors: A.A. Aroyan, M.A. Arutiunian, R.T. Mina, V.M. Mishachev, R.G. Amamchian
- Valveless two-stage dilution refrigerator with internal circulation of 3He
IET 2, 193 (1989)
co-authors: R.G. Amamchian, M.A. Arutiunian, R.T. Mina, G.D. Movsesian
- Refrigerated unit in an autonomous 3He cryostat
IET 2, 226 (1990)
co-authors: V.M. Mishachev, R.G. Amamchian, M.V. Belen'kii, S.V. Favorskaya
- Radiation shield heat remover for device for specimen insertion into low temperature zone
IET 34, 236 (1991)
co-authors: R.G. Amamchyan, V.M. Mishachev, Y.G. Aleksandrov
- The performance investigation of continuously operating 3He refrigerator with
adsorption pumping system
Cryogenics S34, 251 (1994)
co-authors: V.M. Mishachev, M.A. Arutiunian, G.D. Movsesian, V.A. Sinenko
- Local Bose condensate: observations on two-dimensional atomic hydrogen
Physica B280, 32 (2000)
co-authors: S. Jaakkola, A.A. Kharitonov, A.I. Safonov, I.I. Lukashevich
- Adsorption and two-body recombination of atomic hydrogen on 3He-4He mixture
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3356 (2001)
co-authors: A.I. Safonov, S.A. Vasil'ev, A.A. Kharitonov, I.I. Lukashevich,
S.M. Jaakkola
- Towards superfluidity of 3He diluted by 4He
J. Low Temp. Phys. 129, 531 (2002)
co-authors: J. Tuoriniemi, J. Martikainen, E. Pentti, A.P. Sebedash, G. Pickett
- Superfluid He in rotation: Single-vortex resolution and requirements on rotation
Journ. Low Temp. Phys. 132, 263 (2003)
co-authors: Blaauwgeers, V.B. Elcov, A.P. Finne, M. Krusius
- Vortex formation in neutron-irradiated rotating superfluid 3He-B
J. Low Temp. Phys. 135, 479 (2004)
co-authors: A.P. Finne, V.B. Elcov, M. Krusius
- Measurement of turbulence in superfluid 3He-B
J. Low Temp. Phys. 136, 249 (2004)
co-authors: A.P. Finne, V.B. Elcov, M. Krusius
- Phase diagram of turbulence in superfluid 3He-B
J. Low Temp. Phys. 138, 567 (2005)
co-authors: A.P. Finne, V.B. Elcov, M. Krusius
Adiabatic melting of 4He crystal in superfluid 3He at sub-millikelvin temperatures
J. Low Temp. Phys. 148, 725 (2007)
co-authors: A.P. Sebedash, J.T. Tuoriniemi, E.M.M. Pentti, A.J. Salmela
Preparation of facilities for fundamental research with ultracold neutrons at PNPI
Nuclear instruments&methods A611(2-3), 276 (2009)
co-authors: A.P. Serebrov, V.A. Mityuklyaev, A.A. Zakharov, A.N. Erykalov,
M.S. Onegin, A.K. Fomin, V.A. Ilatovskiy, S.P. Orlov, K.A. Konoplev,
A.G. Krivshitch, V.M. Samsonov, V.M. Ezhov, V.V. Fedorov, K.O. Keshyshev,
V.I. Marchenko
Project of the ultracold and cold neutron source at the WWR-M reactor with superfluid helium as a moderator
Phys. Sol. St. 52 1034 (2010)
co-authors: A.P. Serebrov, V.A. Mityukhlyaev, A.A. Zakharov, et al.
Supersourse of ultracold neutrons at WWR-M reactor in PNPI and the research program of fundamental physics
Physics Procedia 17 (2011)
co-authors: A.P. Serebrov, A.N. Erykalov, K.O. Keshishev, et all.
Use of a quartz resonator of the tuning fork type as a thermometer in a dilution refrigerator
IET 54(5), 740 (2011)
co-authors: R.B. Gusev, S.I. Danilin, A.Ya. Parshin
Adiabatic Melting Experiment on Helium Mixtures: Status and Prospects
JLTP 187(5-6), 588 (2017)
co-authors: A. Sebedash, T. Riekki, J. Tuoriniemi
Putting in operation a full-scale ultracold-neutron source model with superfluid helium
Technical Physics 62, 329 (2017)
co-authors: A.P. Serebrov, V.A. Lyamkin, D.V. Prudnikov, K.O. Keshishev,
A.V. Vasilev
- Cryotherapy system
US Patent No.7,083,612 B2 (2006)
co-authors: P.J. Littrup, A.V. Babkin, R. Duncan
Methods and systems for cryogenic cooling
US Patent No.7,273,479 B2 (2007)
co-authors: P.J. Littrup, A.V. Babkin, R. Duncan
Cryotherapy probe
US Patent No.7,410,484 B2 (2008)
co-authors: P.J. Littrup, A.V. Babkin, R. Duncan, P. Kerkar
Cryotherapy system
US Patent No.7,507,233 B2 (2009)
co-authors: P.J. Littrup, A.V. Babkin, R. Duncan
- Surface tension of dilute solutions of 3He in 4He
Proceedings of 11th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, LT-11, St.Andrews (1968), vol.1, p.367
Co-author: K.N. Zinov'eva
Experiments with H and 3He surface states on thick 3He-4He films
Abst. of 3rd Int. Conf. on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals, Szklarska Poreba, Poland (2000)
Co-authors: S.A. Vasil'ev, S.M. Jaakkola, A.I. Safonov, A.A. Kharitonov,
I.I. Lukashevich
Onset of turbulence in superfluid 3He-B and its dependence on vortex injection in applied flow
AIP Conf. Proc. 850, 177 (2006)
Co-authors: A.P. Finne, R. Blaauwgeers, V.B. El'cov, J. Kopu, M. Krusius
Melting pressure thermometry for dilute 3He-4He mixturtes
AIP Conf. Proc. 850, 1591, (2006)
Co-authors: A.P. Sebedash, J.T. Tuoriniemi, E.M. Pentti, A.J. Salmela