Magnetic resonance in low-temperature paramagnets
V.N. Glazkov
Phys. Usp. (2024)
Investigations of new phases of superfluid 3He in nematic aerogel using vibrating wire
V.V. Dmitriev, D.V. Petrova, A.A. Soldatov, A.N. Yudin
Phys. Usp. (2024)
Prospects of millimeter astronomy development at the special astrophysical observatory of the Russian
Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS)
V.A. Stolyarov, Y.Y. Balega, M.G. Mingaliev, Y.V. Sotnikova, V.F. Vdovin, A.A. Gunbina,
D.E. Kukushkin, M.A. Tarasov, M.Y. Fominsky, A.M. Chekushkin, V.S. Edelman,
R.A. Yusupov
Astrophysical Bulletin79(2), 321 (2024)
Diffuse X-ray scattering on a 1-dodecanol film at the n-hexane water
A.M. Tikhonov, Yu.O. Volkov
JETP , (2024)
The origin of the EPR line (g=4) in magnetic nanocomposites is a manifestation of two-quantum transitions
in ferromagnetic granules
A.B. Drovosekov, M.Yu. Dmitrieva, A.V. Sitnikova, C.N. Nikolaev, V.V. Rylkov
JETP , (2024)
The influence of a magnetic field on the conductivity of a superconductor-insulator-normal metal tunnel structure
A.B. Ermakov, M.A. Tarasov, V.S. Edelman
JETP , (2024)
On the multi-layered adsorption of alkanols in the vicinity of
liquid–vapor transition at the saturated hydrocarbon/water interface
A.M. Tikhonov, Yu.O. Volkov
Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron
Techniques18(3), 507 (2024)
Low-temperature stepper motor operating in high magnetic field
A.F. Iafarova, D.I. Kholin, S.S. Sosin
IET67(4), 826 (2024)
Microwave receiving system based on cryogenic sensors for the optical big telescope alt-azimuth Yu.Yu. Balega, G.M. Bubnov, A.M. Chekushkin, V. Dubrovich, V.S. Edelman, A.A. Gunbina,
S.A. Kapustin, T. Khabarova, D.E. Kukushkin, I.V. Lapkin, M.A. Mansfeld,
A.S. Marukhno, V.V. Parshin, A.S. Raevsky, V.A. Stolyarov, M.A. Tarasov,
G.G. Valyavin, V.F. Vdovin, G.V. Yakopov, R.A. Yusupov, P.M. Zemlyanukha,
I.I. Zinchenko
Sensors24(2), 359 (2024)
Development of Cryogenic Systems for Astronomical Research Yu. Balega, O. Bolshakov, A. Chernikov, A. Gunbina, V. Edelman
M. Efimova, A. Eliseev, A. Krasilnikov, I. Lapkin, I. Lesnov,
M. Mansfeld, M. Markina, E. Pevzner, S. Shitov, A. Smirnov,
M. Tarasov, N. Tyatushkin, A. Vdovin, V. Vdovin
Photonics11(3), 257 (2024)