The formation of muonium from a positive muon and an electron
The resulting muonium spin state is evenly divided between the
S-state and the triplet state.
The polarization of those muons in the S-state is completely
lost during the muonium formation process [2]
the muon polarization can be described in zero magnetic field as
The interaction between a muon and an electron in liquid helium can be
described as a Coulomb attraction of two charges moving in
the viscous regime with mutual mobility b. Let the
radial density distribution function between muon and electron be a
Gaussian law
The behavior of Eq.(5) is close to exponential . This explains why the muonium formation process is often be described as a chemical reaction.
However in some cases (specifically in superfluid helium), the approximation (5) is inadequate [3]. The standard description of the complicated muonium formation process as a superposition of fast and slow subprocesses is known to be a very crude and inadequate model.
In superfluid helium a positive charge forms a `snow ball' with mass He atoms and the electron is localized in a cavity with hydrodynamic mass He atoms (see the review of V.B.Shikin [4]). This is the physical reason why Mu formation in superfluid helium is a rather long process compared to other substances [5].
In zero magnetic field Eq.(3) can be presented as a sum of two
We will now look at the muon polarization in weak transverse magnetic field
(wTF), where the field is sufficiently small that the precession of the free
muons is negligibly small during the muon lifetime of
This is possible because the gyromagnetic ratio of muonium in the triplet state
MHz/Oe is approximately 105 times larger than
for the bare muon. Typical values of magnetic field are about
liquid helium. The spins of those Mu atoms which were born in time t' will
precess with the Larmor frequency
The polarization function will have two components
Typically measurements are fit using some analytic model for P(t) using a least squares method (LSM) [2]. The number of fit parameters is of the order of 10. The success of this standard parametric procedure is mainly determined by whether or not correct the theoretical function (usually analytic) was chosen for P(t) or n(t) respectively. This is the main drawback of the standard procedure.
In this paper we propose a new nonparametric algorithm for recovering the muonium formation rate n(t) from the experimental data by using the program package RECOVERY for restoration of signals from noisy data which is based on the maximum likelihood method.