history ipp staff
research publications rus

The Institute was established by Soviet Government for Kapitza in 1934.

Shortly thereafter, Kapitza discovered superfluidity of helium and Landau clarify the quantum nature of this a mysterious phenomenon and developed a theory of quantum liquids. For this work Kapitza and Landau was awarded the Nobel Prize (respectively 1978 and 1962).

Two other works carried out at the Institute, the Gizburg-Landau theory of superconductivity and Abrikosov theory of second order superconductors have been recognized by the Nobel Committee (Abrikosov and Ginsburg, 2003).

The key experimental and theoretical works were carried out at the Institute in the fields of:

Superfluidity - Kapitza jump, second sound, viscosity, spin current in 3He;

Superconductivity -- intermediate state, thermal conductivity, andreev scaterring;

Metals - Fermi surfaces, surface levels in a magnetic field, interference of electrons;

Quantum crystals - quantum diffusion, crystallization wave, faceting;

Magnetism - magnetic symmetry, weak ferromagnetism, magneto-electric effect, antiferromagnetic resonance, light scattering by magnons, parametric excitation of spin waves, exchange symmetry, low temperature paramagnets, spontaneous electric polarization of antiferromagnets.

The Institute has made a significant contribution to the science, technology and defense capability of the country.

The Landau-Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics was wrighten in the Institute.

The Institute has established magazines JETP, JETP Letters, IET.
Scientific staf

    Director Kapitza (1934-1946)

  1. Kapitza Pyotr Leonidovich (1934-1946+1955-1984)
  2. Shalnikov Aleksandr Iosifovich (1935-1986)
  3. Strelkov Pyotr Georgievich (1936-1956)
  4. Brilliantov Nikolaj Alekseevich (1937-1953)
  5. Landau Lev Davidovich (1937-1968)
  6. Lifshitz Evgeny Mikhajlovich (1939-1985)
  7. Andronikashvili Elephter Luarsabovich (1940-1948)
  8. Migdal Arkadij Beinusovich (1940-1945)
  9. Danilov Igor Borisovich (1941-1989)
  10. Zeldovich Aleksandr Grigorievich (1941-1957)
  11. Krylov Aleksy Nikolaevich (1941-1945)
  12. Smorodinskii Jakov Abramovich (1941-1943)
  13. Alekseevskii Nikolaj Evgenievich (1942-1993)
  14. Nikitin S.Ya. (1942-1948?)
  15. Fradkov Abram Borisovich (1942-1958)
  16. Fedorov Aleksandr Sergeevich (1944-?)
  17. Malkov Mikhail Petrovich (1944-1991)
  18. Peshkov Vasilij Petrovich (1944-1980)

    Director Aleksandrov (1946-1955)

  19. Aleksandrov Anatolij Petrovich (1946-1955)
  20. Gohberg Boris Mikhailovich (1946-1955)
  21. Gurvich Iosif Grigorievich (1946-1951)
  22. Kondorskii Evgeny Ivanovich (1946-1955)
  23. Petunin Boris Vladimirovich (1946-1952)
  24. Regel Vadim Robertovich (1946-1952)
  25. Alikhanian Artemij Isaakovich (1947-1950)
  26. Vaisenberg Aleksander Ovseevich (1947-1950)
  27. Dajon Mikhail Isaakovich (1947-1950)
  28. Kazhdan Jakov Markovich (1947-1954)
  29. Konstantinov Aleksy Andreevich (1947-1950)
  30. Meiman Nakhim Sanelevich (1947-1954)
  31. Khotkevich Vladimir Ignatievich (1948?-1952)
  32. Rozen Andrian Mikhailovich (1948-1953)
  33. Khalatnikov Isaak Markovich (1948-1965)
  34. Stepanov Pyotr Grigorievich (1949-1955)
  35. Sivukhin Dmitrii Vasilievich (1950-1952)
  36. Abrikosov Alexei Alexeyevich (1951-1965)
  37. Diakov Sergei Petrovich (1951-1954)
  38. Sharvin Yurii Vasilievich (1951-1990)
  39. Bulgakov Nikolaj Vasilievich (1952-1955)
  40. Khaikin Moisej Semenovich (1952-1990)
  41. Zavaritskii Nikolaj Vladimirovich (1952-1997)
  42. Zinov'eva Klavdiya Nikolaevna (1952-2017)
  43. Ivanov German Mikhailovich (1952-1955)
  44. Kosourov Georgij Ivanovich (1952-1958)
  45. Kuznecov Vladimir Mihailovich (1952-1964)
  46. Milyutin Aleksej Alekseevich (1952-1954)
  47. Molchanov Albert Makarievich (1952-1954)
  48. Samoilov Boris Nikolaevich (1952-1955)
  49. Chudov Lev Alekseevich (1952-1954)
  50. Khoziainov Vladimir Trofimovich (1953-1957)
  51. Shteingauz Lavr Nikolaevich (1953-1962)
  52. Kapitza Sergey Petrovich (1953-2012)
  53. Kondrat'ev Feliks Viktorovich (1954-1955)
  54. Aleksenko Yurij Nikolaevich (1954-1955)
  55. Prudkovskii Garald Petrovich (1954-2005)
  56. Fock Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1954-1968)
  57. Shigin Valerij Andreevich(1954-1955)

    Director Kapitza (1955-1984)

  58. Borovik-Romanov Viktor Andrei Stanislavovich (1956-1997)
  59. Brandt Nikolai Borisovich (1956-1959)
  60. Gorkov Lev Petrovich (1956-1964)
  61. Diatroptov Daniil Borisovich (1956-2003)
  62. Vainshtein Lev Albertovich (1957-1989)
  63. Gaidukov Yurij Pavlovich (1957-1963)
  64. Arkhipov R.G. (07.06.58-24.12.58)
  65. Dzialoshinskii Igor Ekhielievich (1958-1965)
  66. Pitaevskii Lev Petrovich (1958-23.08.2022)
  67. Prozorova Lyudmila Andreevna (1958-04.2016)
  68. Alikhanov Ruben Abramovich (1960-1966)
  69. Kreines Natalia Mikhalovna (1961-until now)
  70. Vetchinkin Anatolij Nikolaevich (1963-1987)
  71. Gantmakher Vsevolod Feliksovich (1963-1967)
  72. Guliaev Aleksandr Iosifovich (1963-2003)
  73. Andreev Aleksandr Fedorovich (1964-14.03.2023)
  74. Melekhin Vadim Nikolaevich (1964-2005)
  75. Kondratenko Pyotr Semenovich (1965-1967)
  76. Geinrikh Brzhetislav (1967-1969)
  77. Kemoklidze Margarita Partenovna (1967-1971)
  78. Petrov Sergej Vladimirovich (1967-2012)
  79. Edelman Valerian Samsonovich (1968-1984+1991-until now)
  80. Bogomolov Genrikh Dmitrievich (1968-until now)
  81. Tsipenyuk Yurij Mikhailovich (1968-03.2018)
  82. Lifshitz Ilya Mikhailovich (1969-1982)
  83. Krylov Igor Pavlovich (1969-1997)
  84. Bertel Karl Haintz (1970-1971)
  85. Kaganov Moisej Isaakovich (1970-1994)
  86. Liberman Mikhail Andreevich (1970-2001)
  87. Luganskii Lev Borisovich (1970-until now)
  88. Meierovich Boris Eduardovich (1970-until now)
  89. Filimonov Sergei Ivanovich (1971-1995)
  90. Tishchenko Eduard Afanasievich (1972-04/01/2022)
  91. Anufriev Yurii Dmitrievich (1973-1994)
  92. Kosarev Evgeny Leonidovich (1973-2005)
  93. Manenkov Aleksandr Bentcionovich (1973-2020)
  94. Landau Igor Lvovich (1974-02.1983+11.1985-2011)
  95. Zatsepin Vladimir Georgievich (1974-1994)
  96. Vaganov Aleksandr Borisovich (1974-1976)
  97. Nizhankovskii Viktor Ignatievich (1974-2016)
  98. Dzhikaev Yurii Kazbekovich (1975-1987)
  99. Samosyuk Valerij Nikolaevich (1975-1987)
  100. Bazhan Aleksandr Nikolaevich (1976-06.2016)
  101. Zav'yalov Vitalii Vadimovich (1976-until now)
  102. Keshishev Konstantin Odisseevich (1976-21.03.2022)
  103. Meerovich Aleksandr Eduardovich (1976-1988)
  104. Peskov Vladimir Dmitrievich (1976-1997)
  105. Smirnov Aleksandr Ivanovich (1978-until now)
  106. Bunkov Yurij Mikhailovich (1979-1997)
  107. Parshin Aleksandr Yakovlevich (1979-2013)
  108. Mitin Aleksandr Vasilievich (1982-11.2020)
  109. Zeldovich Yakov Borisovich (1983-1987)

    Director Borovik-Romanov (1984-1990)

  110. Podolyak Evgenii Robertovich (1984-until now)
  111. Bashkin Evgenii Petrovich (1985-1997)
  112. Dmitriev Vladimir Vladimirivich (1985-until now)
  113. Kleev Andrei Igorevich (1986-until now)
  114. Chubukov Andrei Vadimovich (1986-1997)
  115. Goland Yurii Markovich (1987-1995)
  116. Demokritov Sergei Olegovich (1987-2001)
  117. Kerski Andjei (1987-1990)
  118. Nikolaev Evgenii Grigorievich (1987-until now)
  119. Shandarin Sergei Fedorovich (1987-1992)
  120. Markelov Aleksandr Viktorovich (1988-1993)
  121. Sharvin Dmitrii Yurievich (1988-2009)
  122. Kagan Maksim Yurievich (1988-until now)
  123. Kudinov Vladimir Ivanovich (1989-1998)
  124. Yurgens Avgust Avgustovich (1989-2001)
  125. Andreeva Olga Aleksandrovna (1990-until now)

    Director Andreev (1990-2017)

  126. Butkevich Igor Konstantinovich (1991-12.2022)
  127. Kubatkin Sergei Eduardovich (1991-2007)
  128. Mukharskii Yurij Miroslavovich (1991-1997)
  129. Samoilov Arkadij Vilenovich (1992-1994)
  130. Zaliznyak Igor Alekseevich (1993-2005)
  131. Fomin Igor Akindinovich (1993-until now)
  132. Solodovnikov Ilya Sergeevich (1994-2018)
  133. Shapovalov Dmitrii Leonidovich (1994-06.2016)
  134. Suslov Igor Mikhailovich (1994-until now)
  135. Elcov Vladimir Borisovich (1997-2017)
  136. Marchenko Vladimir Ivanovich (1998-until now)
  137. Sebedash Aleksandr Petrovich (1998-10.2020)
  138. Boldarev Sergei Timofeevich (1999-until now)
  139. Sosin Sergei Sergeevich (2000-until now)
  140. Troyanovskii Aleksei Markovich (2002-until now)
  141. Glazkov Vasilii Nikolaevich (2003-until now)
  142. Kamenskii Viacheslav Georgievich (2004-until now)
  143. Oficerov Aleksei Vladislavovich (2004-2005)
  144. Svistov Leonid Evgenievich (2005-until now)
  145. Khlyustikov Ivan Nikolaevich (2005-until now)
  146. Kholin Dmitrii Igorevich (2005-until now)
  147. Melnikovskii Lev Aleksandrovich (2006-until now)
  148. Zmeev Dmitrii Evgenievich (2007-2010)
  149. Drovosekov Aleksei Borisovich (2008-until now)
  150. Tikhonov Aleksei Mikhailovich (2008-until now)
  151. Yudin Aleksei Nikolaevich (2009-until now)
  152. Surovcev Evgenii Vladimirovich (2009-until now)
  153. Bratkovsky Aleksandr Mikhailovich (2010-until now)
  154. Senin Andrei Andreevich (02.2014-06.2014)
  155. Arutyunov Konstantin Yurievich (02.2015-until now)

    Director Dmitriev (2017-20.06.2022)

  156. Soldatov Arkady Aleksandrovich (2019-until now)
  157. Soldatov Timofei Aleksandrovich (2019-until now)
  158. Lemzyakov Sergei Anatolievich (10.2020-06.2021)
  159. Yakopov Grigorij V. (2021-until now)

    Director Kleev (21.06.2022-until now)

  160. Gotovko Sofia Klimentovna (2022-until now)

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