RAS Kapitza Institute RUS

Vladimir I. Marchenko
List of publications

  1. Macroscopic theory of spin waves
    JETP 43, 794 (1976)
    co-author A.F. Andreev

  2. Contribution to the theory of the structure of the intermediate state of a superconductors
    JETP 44, 1156 (1976)

  3. Theory of magnetic domains
    JETP 45, 1222 (1977)

  4. Magnetic phases of solid 3He
    JETP Lett. 26, 36 (1977)
    co-authors: A.F. Andreev, A.E. Meierovich

  5. The Landau – Lifshitz domain structure in a magnetic field
    JETP 47, 938 (1978)

  6. Domain structure of ferroelectric materials
    JETP 50, 1188 (1979)

  7. Symmetry and the macroscopic dynamics of magnetic materials
    Sov. Phys. Uspekhi 23, 21 (1980)
    co-author A.F. Andreev

  8. Elastic properties of crystal surfaces
    JETP 52, 129 (1980)
    co-author A.Ya. Parshin

  9. Capillary propagation of sound and anomalous Kapitza jump at the boundary between solid and liquid helium
    JETP Lett. 31, 724 (1980)
    co-author A.Ya. Parshin
  • Theory of magnetic structures
    Ph.D. Thesis in Physics, IPP AS USSR (1980), Supervisor Prof. A.F. Andreev
  1. Exchange effects at the boundaries of magnets
    JETP 53, 1045 (1981)

  2. Possible structures and phase transitions on the surface of crystals
    JETP Lett. 33, 381 (1981)

  3. Theory of the equilibrium shape of crystals
    JETP 54, 605 (1981)

  4. Topological order of the structure of atomically rough crystal boundaries
    JETP Lett. 35, 567 (1982)

  5. Kinetics of the nucleation at first-order phase transitions
    JETP 58, 1223 (1983)
    co-authors: E.A. Brener, S.V. Meshkov

  6. Contribution to the theory of first-order phase transitions on plain defects in the crystals
    Sov. Phys. Doklady 274, 312 (1984)

  7. Magnetic resonance in the noncollinear antiferromagnet MnAlGeO
    JETP Lett. 41, 637 (1985)
    co-authors: L.A. Prozorova, Yu.V. Krasnyak

  8. On the domain structure of two-dimensional ferromagnets
    JETP 63, 1315 (1986)

  9. Drift of Bloch lines in an oscillating field
    JETP 64, 1105 (1986)
    co-author S.V. Iordanskii

  10. Magnon correction to the resonance frequency in antiferromagnets
    JETP Lett. 44, 117 (1986)
    co-authors I.A. Grishchuk

  11. Theory of the phase transition of 3He into the superfluid state
    JETP 66, 79 (1987)

  12. On the theory of gauge symmetry of superconductors
    JETP 66, 331 (1987)

  13. Magnetic resonance in the noncollinear antiferromagnet CsNiCl3
    JETP Lett. 47, 211 (1988)
    co-authors: I.A. Zaliznyak, S.V. Petrov, L.A. Prozorova, A.V. Chubukov

  14. Theory of exchange symmetry
    JETP Lett. 48, 387 (1988)

  15. Magnetization of a two-dimensional electron gas
    Phys. Rev. B41, 12922 (1990)
    co-authors: K. Jauregui, I.D. Vagner
  • Theory of capillary phenomena in the crystalls
    Doctor of Science in Physics, ISSP AS USSR (1992)
  1. The possibility of the existence of phases in one-dimensional systems
    JETP Lett. 53, 634 (1991)

  2. Landau theory of continuous liquid-crystal transition
    JETP 73, 759 (1991)

  3. Stability conditions for quasicrystals
    JETP Lett. 54, 328 (1991)

  4. Theory of spin ordering of metals
    JETP Lett. 54, 517 (1991)

  5. Domain structure in oxigen on a Cu (110) surface
    JETP Lett. 55, 73 (1992)

  6. Formation of nucleation centers in a crystal
    JETP Lett. 56, 368 (1992)
    co-author E.A. Brener

  7. Subsurface growth of smectic liquid crystals
    JETP Lett. 56, 391 (1992)

  8. Steps on the surface of quasicrystals
    JETP Lett. 56, 535 (1992)

  9. Spin potential
    JETP Lett. 56, 575 (1992)

  10. Continuous membrane-micelle phase transition
    Europhys. Lett. 24, 105 (1993)

  11. Landau theory of flattening transition in grain boundaries
    Scripta Met. 30, 639 (1994)
    with A. Brokman

  12. Spin rigidity
    JETP Lett. 59, 618 (1994)

  13. On the theory of a fog
    JETP Lett. 64, 66 (1996)

  14. Infinite dimensional irredusable representations of Einsteine group
    JETP Lett. 64, 334 (1996)

  15. Surface instabilities in cracks
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5141 (1998)
    co-author E.A. Brener

  16. On a new type of sublattice tiping in noncollinear antiferromagnets
    JETP Lett. 68, 887 (1998)
    co-author A.M. Tikhonov

  17. Elastic effects on the kinetics of a phase transition
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1506 (1999)
    co-authors: E.A. Brener, S.V. Iordanskii

  18. Nonlinear theory of dislocations in smectic crystals: an exact solution
    Phys. Rev. E 59, 4752 (1999)
    co-author E.A. Brener

  19. On the NMR spectrum in antiferromagnetic CsMnI3
    JETP Lett. 69, 44 (1999)
    co-author A.M. Tikhonov

  20. Metastability of life
    JETP 90, 905 (2000)

  21. Coarsening kinetics with elastic effects
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4914 (2000)
    co-authors: E.A. Brener, H. Muller-Krumbhaar, R. Spatschek

  22. The magnetic ordering in the mixed valence compound beta-Na0.33V2O5
    Phys. Rev. B 64, 174403 (2001)
    co-authors: A.N. Vasil'ev, A.I. Smirnov, S.S. Sosin, H. Yamada, and Y. Ueda

  23. Critical step undulation by elastic interaction
    Surface Science 491, L657 (2001)
    co-author A. Brokman

  24. On n-quantum vortices in superconductors
    JETP 94, 200 (2002)
    co-author E.R. Podolyak

  25. Frictional shear cracks
    JETP Lett. 76 , 211 (2002)
    co-author E.A. Brener

  26. Elastic interaction of point defects on biological membranes
    Eur. Phys. J. E8, 477 (2002)
    co-author C. Misbah

  27. Phase diagram of surface superconductivity
    JETP 97, 154 (2003)
    co-author E.R. Podolyak

  28. On the penetration depth of a strong field into superconductors
    JETP Lett. 77, 565 (2003)
    co-author E.R. Podolyak

  29. On wetting transition in superconductivity
    JETP 100, 311 (2005)
    co-authors E.R. Podolyak

  30. Fracture and friction: stick-slip motion
    Eur. Phys. J. E17, 101 (2005)
    co-authors: E.A. Brener, and S.V. Malinin

  31. On the theory of exchange spin structures
    JETP 100, 977 (2005)
    co-authors A.M. Farutin

  32. High-field low-frequency spin dynamics
    JETP Lett. 83, 238 (2006)
    co-author A.M. Farutin

  33. New possibilities in crystal morphology
    JETP Lett. 83, 416 (2006)
    co-author A.Ya. Parshin

  34. Equilibium island size distribution in one dimension
    Phys. Rev. B73, 245425 (2006)
    co-authors: P. Gambardella, H. Brune, K. Kern

  35. Elastic domains in antiferromagnets on substrates
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 067204 (2006)
    co-author E.A. Brener

  36. Dynamics of paramagnets at zero temperature
    JETP 104, 751 (2007)
    co-author A.M. Farutin

  37. Influence of strain on the kinetics of phase transitions in solids
    Phys.Rev. E 75, 041604 (2007)
    co-authors: E.A. Brener and R. Spatschek

  38. On occasional zeros of the gap in superconductors
    JETP Lett. 85, 344 (2007)

  39. On asymptotic nonlinearity in smectics
    JETP Lett. 85, 389 (2007)
    co-author E.A. Brener

  40. On twinning in smectic crystals
    JETP Lett. 86, 730 (2007)

  41. On the phases of compressed matter
    JETP Lett. 87, 213 (2008)

  42. On the energy spectrum of helium II
    JETP Lett. 87, 327 (2008)
    co-author A.Ya. Parshin

  43. On improper ferromagnetism
    JETP Lett. 87, 474 (2008)

  44. Nonlinear Green's functions in smectics
    JETP lett. 90, 143 (2009)
    co-author E.A. Brener

  45. Nonlinear two-dimensional Green's functions in smectics
    JETP lett. 90, 688 (2009)
    co-authors E.A. Brener and D.A. Pelipenko

  46. Preparation of facilities for fundamental research with ultracold neutrons at PNPI
    Nuclear instruments & methods A611(2-3), 276 (2009)
    co-authors: A.P. Serebrov, V.A. Mityuklyaev, A.A. Zakharov, A.N. Erykalov, M.S. Onegin, A.K. Fomin, V.A. Ilatovskiy, S.P. Orlov, K.A. Konoplev, A.G. Krivshitch, V.M. Samsonov, V.M. Ezhov, V.V. Fedorov, K.O. Keshyshev, and S.T. Boldarev

  47. Magnetic double refraction in piezoelectrics
    Europhys. Lett 90, 17001 (2010)

  48. On the theory of smectic textures
    JETP 111, 667 (2010)

  49. Nonlinear igenvalue problems in smectics
    JETP 111, 1050 (2010)
    co-author E.R. Podolyak

  50. Model of plasticity of amorphous materials
    Phys. Rev. E84, 021502 (2011)
    co-author Chaouqi Misbah

  51. Study of the 4He crystal surface
    JETP 116, 587 (2013)
    co-authors:  K.O. Keshishev, D.B. Shemyatikhin

  52. On quantum effects on the surface of solid hydrogen
    JETP 117, 672 (2013)

  53. On antiferromagnetic transition in CuCrO2
    JETP 119, 1084 (2014)

  54. On the equlibrium shape of eritrocytes
    JETP 120, 751 (2015)
    co-author E.R. Podolyak

  55. Exotic phases of frustrated antiferromagnet LiCu2O2
    Phys. Rev. B97, 054428 (2018)
    co-authors: A.A. Bush, N. Büttgen, A.A. Gippius, M. Horvatić, M. Jeong, W. Kraetschmer, Yu.A. Sakhratov, and L.E. Svistov

  56. Anomalous spin-flop in antiferromagnetic Cu(pz)(ClO4)2
    JETP 132(4), 586 (2021)

  57. Precritical thermoacoustics in helium
    JETP 134(1),  (2022)
    co-authors: K.O. Keshishev, E.R. Podolyak `

  58. Dynamics of the multiferroic LiCuVO4 influenced by electric field
    Phys. Rev. B97, 004400 (2021)
    co-authors: S.K. Gotovko, A. Prokofiev, L.E. Svistov

  59. Spin-flop transition in spiral magnets
    JETP (), (2023)
    co-author S.K. Gotovko